Welcome to
Rawmarsh Ashwood Primary School
Proud to be Ashwood.
Welcome from the Headteacher
I would like to warmly welcome you to Rawmarsh Ashwood Primary School. We hope this website gives you a taste of what our school community is all about.
Our Vision and Ethos as a school is to create a climate where all learners are welcomed and are enabled to achieve their potential.
We aim for our children to grow into confident, enthusiastic and happy learners who develop their abilities and talents to the full and achieve their very best. We want the children of Rawmarsh Ashwood to reach for the stars!
As parents we hope that you will rapidly feel part of our community. We believe a partnership between home and school is an integral part of education. We strive to ensure all children who attend our school feel happy, safe and excited in their learning and develop a positive attitude towards learning…
Latest News
Together We Can – Ashwood Spotlight: Miss Roper, Headteacher
One of Ashwood Ways is ‘We Dream Big’ and as part of the WPT Careers Curriculum, some of our students
Y3 Creswell Crags Trip!
Y3 had an amazing time on their trip to Creswell Crags. During the trip, they showed their knowledge of the
L. S. Lowry Artwork in Y5!
During this week’s Art lesson, Y5 researched the new artist for the term, L. S. Lowry. The children particularly enjoyed
Y3/4 Pizza Making!
Just before the two week break, Year 3 joined Year 4 to support them in their DT project, which was
School Closed Today – 6th January
Dear Parents and Carers, Unfortunately school will be closed today due to adverse weather conditions and the snowfall during the
SEND Newsletter – Autumn 2024
Our latest SEND newsletter is here! Click the link below to see what we’ve been up to. Click here