At Rawmarsh Ashwood Primary School we believe that our children should be able to wear uniform that is affordable. Whilst branded items are available, these are not compulsory and parents/carers are free to purchase uniform from any suitable retailer.
We have a school uniform which all children should wear. It consists of:
- Red jumper or cardigan (school logo is optional)
- White shirts/polo shirts
- Plain grey trousers/skirt
We ask that all clothing is clearly marked with the child’s name, as a safeguard against problems arising from children having similar clothing.
PE Kit
For reasons of basic health and hygiene it is important that all children have a change of clothes and footwear for PE and games.
This should be:
- A plain white t-shirt
- Black PE shorts
- A plain black or navy tracksuit is essential for outdoor games lessons which take place at ALL times during the school year
- Trainers or pumps
Valuables and Jewellery
Valuables should not be brought to school. The wearing of jewellery is discouraged in school, especially pierced earrings. Children who are wearing jewellery will not be allowed to participate in PE lessons. Jewellery and clothing worn as part of religious beliefs also need to meet the standards and if not, will be discussed with families. Pupils may be able to take part in PE wearing small ear studs, which need to be taped before school / by the child (at the discretion of the Sports Coach or Teacher).
Watches may be worn.
The wearing of nail varnish is not encouraged.
Uniform Suppliers
The following optional, logoed items are available from school:
- Red sweatshirt
- Red cardigan
- White polo shirt
- Red storm-dry jacket
- Red fleece
- Red PE bag
- Red book bag
- PE kit
Examples of stores which stock appropriate uniform items are:
- Asda
- Marks & Spencer
- Tesco
If further clarification is required on any point in this policy, then please do not hesitate to contact the School Office.

At a time when a lot of families are tightening their belts, we’re aware that many could benefit from a little extra support when it comes to buying school uniforms and other essentials – such as coats and PE kits – that children need for school. That’s why we’ve created a Trust-wide Uniform Bank of good quality, new and used items – providing a sustainable way to recycle and repurpose school uniforms.
For more information and to request uniform from the Uniform Bank, visit the WPT website: