“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


to Year 4


Mrs Venables

Meet your teacher

mRS venables

My name is Mrs Venables and I am your class teacher.

I love teaching at Rawmarsh Ashwood! When I am not in school I love going for walks with my two children and my dog, Jack. I love music and attend musical theatre classes. I love living in Rotherham, but I am also very passionate about coming from London and will talk about this all the time! I am looking forward to planning lots of activities for year 4 this year.

Meet your teaching assistant

Mrs robertson

Hi, my name is Mrs Robertson and I have been a teaching assistant at Ashwood since Sept 2007 which is 15 years now. I have worked in every year group providing 1-1 support alongside the class teacher. Outside of school I love collecting owls of any description for my garden and indoor use. I also enjoy listening to music and reading.

Class Information

Our ClassDojo account will be updated regularly with lots of messages, dojo points and picture updates – it is important that you are engaging with this on a regular basis.

Homework will be given weekly and this will consist of spellings, maths and another piece of work linked to our curriculum. As soon as I know PE days for next I will let you know.

Your attendance is extremely important and is the key to your success. Please ensure you are on time, everyday and ready to learn in the classroom. We will see you in September!

Areas of Learning

In the Autumn term in History and Geography we will be looking at The Anglo Saxons and The Peak District. We will be reading Escape from Pompeii and looking at how natural disasters can affect the landscape.

In Spring we will be covering the Capital Cities of the UK and looking at The Vikings, hopefully incorporating a visit to York alongside this. Our class novel will be The Firework Maker’s Daughter.

In our last term we will be studying Egypt and the Ancient Egyptians. Though I cant promise a trip to Egypt , I am hoping to incorporate another trip here.

Our class novel will be Journey to Jo’burg, in which we discuss how different people are treated historically due to their race.

Class News

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