Letter Formation with FS1 🔤

The children in FS1 have been practicing their bug club letter formation of graphemes that they have learned so far. We are focussing on oral segmenting and blending at the moment as well as learning one phoneme a week.
FS1’s Class Snails 🐌

The children in FS1 have been learning how to take care of our class snails. We expanded our vocabulary and learned about the differing parts of a snail. Did you know that snails have tentacles? The children handled the snails with care and learned how to maintain their classroom habitat. We also read a new story called […]
Beareavement Group

Some of our Year 5 and 6 students have been accessing a bereavement group after school. They have shared stories and memories of loved ones and pets. They have been a good support network to each other and have been kind and understanding. The group have done some lovely activities together and learned some new strategies […]
Coronation Celebrations!

All of the children had a really busy and exciting time celebrating the Coronation. It is lovely to watch history in the making! Children designed a Coronation cup and saucer. These designs were then judged and the winners got to go to Paint a pot to put their designs onto ceramics! Alfie is part of […]
Primary School Climbing Competition 2023

Last week, students from the eight Wickersley Partnership Trust Primary Schools went head-to-head at the WPT Primary Schools Climbing Competition 2023. The competition took place at Thrybergh Academy’s bouldering room, which has a large section of climbing wall with different angles and an additional speed climb wall. Four students from each school were selected to […]
World Book Day Madness

At Ashwood we have a love of books every day of the year. For world book day we dressed as our favourite book characters, creating our own costumes! We all looked amazing and just like we had stepped out of a book !
Miss Roper Recommends…

Audio stories with BBC school radio 🎧 This week take a look at the genre of Fables. Click on the link below to hear stories and you can also follow the text to read along with the story being read to you. There are different fables for different ages. Have a go at making your […]