“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Y5/6 Totty Football Cup!

This week, Year 5 and Year 6 took part in The Totty Football Cup! The team worked super hard and were so resilient. Keep dreaming big Ashwood, you have made your school very proud! #WeDreamBig

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt in FS2!

Over the last few weeks, FS2 have been enjoying the popular story by Michael Rosen, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. They have re-enacted the story many times, and it’s now a favourite whenever they play outside and make their own story maps.  Beautiful storytelling FS2, well done!

PSHE Special Mentions!

Last week for Special Mentions assembly, we celebrated our work in PSHE. A special shout out to our amazing Ashwood learners! Well done everyone. 😊 #WeWorkHard

Mixing Science and PE in Y4!

During Science this week, the children have been looking at what muscles are used to perform different exercises. They carried out these different exercises during their PE lesson, so that they could feel what muscles they may be using.  Well done Y4! #WeAreEquippedToLearn

Maths in FS2!

FS2 have been working on subitising in Maths, this is the skill of recognising an amount without needing to count! The children are focusing on recognising amounts from 1-3, and will build up to recognising up to 5 over the coming weeks. It takes lots of practise, as amounts can be in different arrangements. Great […]

Maths Superstars!

This week in Special Mentions assembly, our focus has been on Maths. Well done to this amazing bunch of superstars, for really developing their Maths skills, reasoning and explanations.  You should all be very proud of yourselves! #WeAreAlwaysLearning

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in FS1

This week, FS1 have been learning all about stars. The children have learnt to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star using the makaton actions, and we are so proud of them! They also made twinkling star biscuits, and practiced counting different amounts. In phonics, they have been learning about the different sounds that animals make and […]

Y6 Lesson with the Lords

On Monday morning, the children asked a Baroness, who works in the House of Lords, a series of questions. They found out how she became one, what it’s like to work in the Houses of Parliament and even what she does in her spare time! The children showed the Ashwood Way through listening well and […]

Y4 Library Trip!

This week, Year 4 went on their first trip of the school year to Rawmarsh Library. They took part in lots of fun activities and they got to learn so much more about their local library! They were all absolutely brilliant, and have made their school proud. Well done Y4!

Making Friends in FS2!

The first couple of weeks in FS2 have been all about learning the routine, making friends and having fun! There is a lot to get used to when you start school. There’s also many adults who help throughout the day, and they have all come to the classroom to play. The children have also become […]

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