“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Y2 Learning With Safety Seymour!

Year 2 have been learning all about carbon monoxide safety, with Safety Seymour! They learnt about the six signs of carbon monoxide poisoning, where carbon monoxide could be found in their homes, and what to do if a carbon monoxide alarm detects this dangerous gas. They also received their own carbon monoxide detector to take […]

Special Mentions for History and Geography!

This week in special mention assembly, we celebrated some work in History and Geography. The Y1 students spoke about their work on maps in Geography, and the seaside in past and present for History. Y5 students Alfie and Olly spoke about learning history outside of school, and how they are going above and beyond, learning […]

Y6 Residential Week!

Year 6 have had a great time on their residential trip this week! All four members of staff have been really impressed with the maturity and attitudes of the students whilst out and about. It has been lovely receiving so many compliments from shop owners and members of the public. Well done Year 6! 

Y6 Residential!

Year 6 have had a wonderful first day on their residential trip. They have been to Bempton Cliffs, Flamborough Head and then spent the evening at the beach. They’ve had lots of fun! 

Y6 Colour Run!

After an extremely busy week completing their SATs, Year 6 had a fantastic time taking part in the Colour Run and raising money for Bluebell Wood. It was a great way to finish off the week, whilst raising lots of money for charity. Well done Year 6, you were amazing! 

Y3 Fabulous Fluency!

Y3 have been busy reading Stig of the Dump. They looked at text marking and thought about how the text should be read from the words the author had written.  Well done everyone!

Y2 Sports Superstars!

Y2 have been busy practising their sporting skills. They also developed their team work skills and took part in obstacle courses and relay races. Well done Y2! 

Maths Special Mention!

In special mention assembly today, we had a focus on Maths and how we have been applying our maths work. Congratulations to these amazing children who are going above and beyond in their maths work! A special shout out to the whole of Year 4, who are making great progress in their multiplication skills in […]

Lunch Time Team Work!

We have been really busy with our lunch time activities in the glorious sunshine. We have been working as a team and having fun with our friends. One of our Ashwood Ways is to be respectful, and we have been working hard on this value. Well done everyone! #WeAreRespectful

Y2 Independent Maths!

Y2 have been working independently on their multiplication and division skills. They have worked really hard and practised lots to make amazing progress. Well done Year 2!  #WeWorkHard

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