Elementor #7078

Last week, pupils from Y1 and Y6 joined up to discuss their learning in Geography. Mrs Smith & Miss Webb were really impressed with how responsible all pupils were and how articulate they were in talking about what they have learnt so far and what they will be learning next.
Therapy Thursdays!

The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors and the Well-Being Ambassadors have been working hard together to offer a safe space for the children to discuss any issues or worries about anyone being unkind. Therapy Thursdays are quite popular and offer the children activities to learn about bullying and positive well-being. The Ambassadors will be recruiting more peers soon […]
Reading at Home Winners

We have had more than 75% of Y3 read 3 or more times at home this week which is AMAZING! We won the most reading at home in the school and received a certificate and extra playtime. Keep up the great work!
Y3 Great Artists

In year 3 we have great artists, they have wowed us away with their amazing Stone Age cave drawings. We started off by practicing in our sketchbooks and then did our final pieces on paper. Well done year 3!
Rock around the clock!

The Y3s are learning how to dance to rock n roll with our dance teacher. They have worked on their box step moves and have great rhythm.
F1 Don’t give up!

In F1 we are learning to follow the Ashwood way and learning to be resilient. This means even when we find something tricky, we keep trying and we don’t give up. Well done F1 for your resilience.
Y2 Football Skills

Y2 we have been working with our sports coach Miss Lamb to develop our football skills. We have worked on controlling the ball and passing it to a partner.
African Drumming Workshop

Ashwood UKS2 had the great pleasure of taking part in a full-filled day, with an African Drumming workshop at school. Staff and pupils had the chance to play Surdo bass drums and Djembe hand drums and take part in creating an African Dance routine. The dance-off was something else! Well done Y5/6.
Children in Need

Y4 all looked great last week for Children in Need. We had a lovely discussion about what Children in Need is all about.
Stories of Bali Rai

Y6 enjoyed listening to the stories of Bali Rai. As a class, we are really enjoying meeting inspirational people and inspiring authors – finding out all about their lives and how they achieved their dreams.