Y4 – The Aswood Way

In PSHE this week we have been looking at why we have the Ashwood Way and how it impacts us. We have then been working in teams to display this on posters. We have discussed the roles of each person within a team and what makes good teamwork.
FS2 Gruffalo Soup

This week, we have been learning about The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson. Today, we explored ingredients that we could use to make Gruffalo soup! The children generated some fantastic vocabulary to describe the different squashes and pumpkins.
Shared Learning

Y1 and Y6 are class buddies. They have recently met to share their science learning. They enjoyed discussing their learning and making links.
Y4 Clay Masks

Making big connections in our learning. we have been using our knowledge of History in our Artwork creating Anglo Saxon masks using clay.
Y6 Explore Scratch

Y6 have been exploring Scratch in preparation for creating their own game next week.
FS2 Say Hi to Hedgehogs!

Our novel study text this week has been ‘Say Hi to Hedgehogs.’ We have made hedgehogs in the play dough, painted and sketched hedgehogs, and researched using non-fiction books and the internet. We were concerned about the declining numbers of hedgehogs in the wild so we came up with a plan to help them with […]
Y1 RE Class

In RE we have been thinking about belonging. We have identified the different places and groups that we belong to. We have recognsied that even though we are all different, we all belong to Ashwood.
Y1 Maths Class

Y1 have been doing some great place value work in Maths. We have focused on using the language greater than, less than, and equals to.
Y1 Art Class

In art, we have been learning all about the artist Claude Monet. We looked at different pieces of his artwork and discussed how they made us feel, and what we liked and did not like about the different pieces. After learning that Monet was a painter, we took brushes of different thicknesses for a walk […]
Y1 Following Instructions

Y1 have started learning all about programming in our computing lessons. This week, we learned that an algorithm is a set of instructions that we give a device to complete a task. We checked our understanding of instructions by giving instructions to a friend and following the instructions that they gave us.