“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Y5/6 Rugby Tournament

Some children in Y5/6 recently attended a Rugby tournament. We had a great time and all the children played their absolute best and that’s all we ever ask for! Team Ashwood was even noticed for their amazing manners by the TITANS. We were very proud of all of you who represented Ashwood and a big […]

Y4 History Class

Y4 had an amazing day embracing themselves in Anglo-Saxon life. Many a battle took place but no blood was shed.

Y4 Science

Y4 have recreated the digestive system in Science. We all got a little messy in the process but they are becoming real experts when it comes to the human body systems.

Titans Rugby

Y5KW joined Titans Rugby this morning, taking good care of the golden egg!

Y5 Maths Challenge

Last week Y5 worked on the Big Picture Connection / Subtraction Challenge. The children had 100000.00 and had to spend their way through the game! Who has the most money left by the end?

Y6 Potential Candidates

Y6 have had a wonderful afternoon interviewing potential candidates for the role of School Councillor. We were all very impressed with their manifestos as well as their public speaking.

Y5 Exploring

In Geography Y5 explored Africa via Google 🌎.  Botswana looks very different from Rawmarsh!

Y5 – Show, Don’t Tell!

Y5 Diary writing has an important feature ‘show, don’t tell’ what emotions can you describe by telling us what is happening to your body?

Y5 Egg Life Cycles

Y5 is currently investigating life cycles exploring the egg. Can you help us answer which came first the chicken or the egg?

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