“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Published Poets!!

We have received a copy of the published Spoken Word Power poetry anthology this week. We are so proud of the effort that year 4 put into this project this year and can not wait to continue our work moving forward into next year!  Well done Y4! 

Care in the Community

Year 4 paid one last visit to Broadacres Care Home this week before the end of the school year. The children not only read to the residence but some were given lessons in knitting and we were lucky to have one resident perform an operatic song for us. The relationships we have built with Broadacres over the last […]

Bee Bots with EYFS

The children in in EYFS created a sequence of instructions (an algorithm) to draw. An algorithm is a sequence of instructions, or a set of rules, for performing a specific task. These superstars programmed by taking the algorithm and using it to program a Bee-Bot to navigate a route while making marks to help them […]

100% Attendance Reward

Last week, as a reward for their remarkable achievement, the children who achieved 100% attendance spent the morning at Studio 62. They designed and created their own plates. We all had a wonderful morning. Well done everyone!! 

Developing Art Skills at Ashwood

As artists we have our own sketch books which we use to develop our art skills. We have looked at different artists such as Anna Ray, Vivienne Westwood and Stephen Wiltshire to investigate how they have developed their skills in art and design and how they have influenced others.  In pupil voice our pupils say…We love […]

Fieldwork with Year 4

Last week , year 4, have carried out a field work project on a local playground. We carried out local assessments and surveys on the layout of the nearby car park, what services are close by, is there adequate and appropriate equipment in the playarea and how busy, with regards to traffic and people, the […]

Careers in Construction Talk

As part of our work on careers the whole school worked with Tilbury Douglas Construction for a talk on careers in construction. The children asked some amazing questions and were really engaged in the assembly they held. The company are building a link road in Parkgate and the children found out all about how construction […]

Geography Local Area Walk

As part of our geography field work learning the EYFS children have been exploring our local area and increasing their knowledge and understanding of the world. Our number learning has been looking at odd and even numbers so we went for a local walk to explore ‘the royal mails big secret’ – Did you know […]

Ashwood Superstars

We had a lot to celebrate in our learning and attitudes to learning this week in our assembly.   Y2 have created some amazing character descriptions of the enormous crocodile which really built up a picture of the character in the reader’s head. Children have been working hard on their mental maths and improving their […]

Ashwood Eco-Warriors Energy Saving

Our Eco Warriors have been looking around school to find ways we can save energy. 💡🌎 They have created posters to put up around school to help us to save energy in school. They have thought of ways to encourage others to save energy at home and are setting Ashwood a saving energy home challenge! […]

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