“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


To class Y5/6

Meet your teachers


Hello everyone and welcome to year 5/6. My name is Mr Lowry and I will be your class teacher for the next year. I’m really excited to meet and get to know those of you that I haven’t yet had the chance to teach. We have lots to look forward to this year including a trip to Crowden (Year 5) as well as a trip to Robinwood (Year 6). My favourite subjects to teach are Maths, Geography and Writing.

As some of you may already know, I’m a massive Rotherham United fan and go to watch them all over the country. I am also a massive lover of food and like to cook and try lots of different dishes.

Areas of Learning

This year we will be covering many exciting topics across all subject areas. From going back in time and discovering what the world was like hundreds of years ago in History to understanding how the world works in Science.

We will also have PE twice a week. For this you will need to have black PE shorts/trousers and a white t-shirt.

In addition to this, we will be covering a range of genres in reading and writing – enabling us to develop our writing skills and become confident writers.

In maths, we will be exploring numbers to 1 million as well as diving into more tricky areas such as fractions and decimals (Don’t worry we will perservere and get through this together!)

Class News

Maths with Year 4

This week Year 4 have been developing their Maths skills and using manipulatives to support our learning. They have been trying so hard on using different

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Super Scientists

This week, Y6 and Y1 met to discuss their Science learning. Students were able to confidently talk about what they have been learning, as well

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Budding Artists

This afternoon Y4 and Y2 got together to share each other’s artwork. Definitely some budding artists in both classes.

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Y6 VIP Guest

Y6 had a great start to the week with a visit from the author Daniel Henshaw. In the morning, we took part in a drama

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