“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Year 4s Andy Warhol Art

As artists in Y4 we have been studying the artist Andy Warhol and created our own pop art of our own self portraits!🎨 What amazing artists we have at Ashwood. 

Headteacher’s Award – The Ashwood Way ⭐

Miss Roper’s Headteacher awards go to the following children. These children always follow the Ashwood Way and are always trying their best and challenging their learning. They are an asset to Ashwood. Keep up all of the good work! 

Team Ashwood take on the School Games 🎽

Year 5 and 6 joined other Rotherham schools yesterday to take place in the indoor Athletics events as part of Rother School Games event. They were all fantastic participants and really enjoyed the session. Go Team Ashwood!

Year 4s Morning with Sile Sibanda

Year 4 had a great morning working alongside poet and presenter Sile Sibanda. We immersed ourselves into the world of poetry. We used different concepts to generate different ideas. We can not wait to have our next session next week, leading up to our Poetry Slam and performance at Rotherham Civic.

Parental Mental Health Support

Being a parent can be the most rewarding job in the world, but it can also bring challenges – which may affect your mental health. As part of Parent Mental Health Day, a brand-new web page has been created as a one stop shop for parents needing information, advice or tips – whether you’re a […]

Mullerlicious 🌟 Year 5/6

Muller employee Miss Hartley came to Ashwood to talk about her role and apprenticeship degree she is taking. Y5 and 6 discussed the importance of product design and recycling. Muller set them a challenge to complete the design brief – create a new product flavour with design packaging. Safe to say the ideas were definitely […]

Money Matters with Year 3

As part of our curriculum we learn about why money matters. Children in their maths lessons learn about spending and saving and budgeting. This is an important life skill. The children have been working so hard on budgeting! 👏

Grand Opening of our Multi Use Games Area

Lily in foundation stage completes the Rawmarsh Park run with her family and put Ashwood in contact with local marathon runner Ray Matthews.  Ray ran 75 marathons in 75 days and is 81 years old! He came to lead our ‘Dream big and never give up’ assembly. These values are part of our Ashwood way.  Ray will […]

Superstar Readers ⭐

Year 3 have had lots of star readers this week. 15 children read 3 or more times at home. The children got to choose from Chromebook time or the Prize box.  Well done year 3! 👏

‘Show don’t tell hunger games’ – Year 5 🏹

‘Katniss Everdeen is poised, while the count down echoed around her head. The gongs began to count down!’ ⚔ What was the setting like? What was she feeling? How can Y5 show this to hook in the reader? What figurative language devises will help? What about ‘show, don’t tell’ ? Her heart was pounding, while […]

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