Mrs Smith’s Book Recommendation

Mrs Smith’s recommendation for Ashwood Reads is The Girl of Ink and Stars by Kiran Millwood Hargrave. I absolutely love this book. I’ve read this with Years 5 and 6 before and children are always hooked by the storyline – desperate to find out what happens next. One year Kiran Millwood Hargrave even commented on […]
Cultural Experiences Enrichment Grid

Do you want to take on a challenge? Are you going for a silver or gold pledge? Have a go at some of our cultural experiences challenges at home. Post your photos on your dojo account or talk to your class teacher about things you have done to achieve these challenges.
WPT Y5/6 Residential

Last week, across two days, our Y5 and Y6 students took part in their WPT Residential. The students enjoyed a range of activities and sports, and camped outside on the Cranworth fields. At Ulley Country Park, the students took part in kayaking and raft building, before students and staff took the plunge into the water! […]
Spoken Word Power – Performance Poetry Competition with Grimm and Co

Our Y4 pupils worked with Grimm and Co to develop performance poetry and understand the power of the spoken word. Each group developed their own performance poetry piece and the winning group performed their poem at Rotherham Civic theatre to an audience. The children worked with poet and radio presenter Sile Sibanda to work on […]
Half Term Enrichment Grids

Check out these enrichment grids that your child can use to keep themselves busy during this half term. If your child complete a task on the grid, make sure you take a picture of it and send it to their class teacher to earn Dojo points.
Year 4 Library adventure

Year 4 had another adventure at Rawmarsh Library. This time being detectives! After reading the book The Dog Detective, we had to look for clues around the library to complete the anagram puzzle. We then had a go at analysing our own fingerprints to see what type we had. We used hot chocolate, pencils and […]
Chicks in EYFS

The chicks have hatched! We are now proud parents in EYFS.
EYFS investigate 3D shapes

EYFS are investigating 3D shapes this week. The Marsh mellows taste great too!
Mrs Roddison Discusses Maths Careers

A big thank you to Mrs Roddison, from the central team, who came to talk to Year 5 & 6 about careers in Maths and her journey to become a Data Manager. It was extremely insightful and aspirational. #WeDreamBig
Rotherham Loves Writing Competition

Budding writers of Primary School age are being encouraged to get their creative thoughts flowing and take part. 📖✏ We want to know about the places in Rotherham that mean the most to you. A memory, a place, a person – anything you love about your time in the borough. Something you’re proud of, something unusual, […]