“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

LS.Lowry Inspired Drawings

Our Year 5’s have been doing some amazing drawings inspired by the fantastic artist, LS. Lowry. Check them out below.

Year 6 Valerie Ganz Art Work

Year 6 have been using charcoal and learning about the artist Valerie Ganz. Beautiful detail and shading achieved from these talented young artists. ❤   

Year 5’s Science Plants🌼

Flowers aren’t just beautiful, they’re actually complex reproductive systems! Y5 had the opportunity to dissect a flower to get an inside look and some hands-on experience.🌼 

FS2 Exploring Electricity⚡

The children enjoyed exploring electricity today. We talked about switches on devices and how these work. The children used fantastic partner talk to think of some electrical devices that that use at home. The children experimented with circuits in their play to work out how electricity travels. 

The Wonderful Weavers of FS2

Today we have been learning about the artist Anna Ray. Children have enjoyed creating their own interpretation of textile art that was inspired by ‘Capture’.    ‘I enjoy weaving. It was tricky but I did it’- Sophie    ‘This is a circle like the Kandinsky calendars we did at Christmas’- Jacob

Vitality Park Run

Please click on the button to find out about one of our amazing families and their journey with The Park Run. Park Run

Year 4’s Kandinsky Print🎨

Over the last 3 months year 4 have been enjoying trips to the local library , carrying out different activities in line with our topics in school. This week we learned about different artists and their style of work.🎨 We recreated a Kandinsky print for Miss Roper to hang in her office. 

Forces with Foundation 2

The children enjoyed experimenting with different forces today. We thought about how we could make cars travel down the ramps faster and slower. We realised that cars travelled faster down the taller ramps. We also built our own pulley system to transport the playdough on the fine motor table! 

Year 4s Andy Warhol Art

As artists in Y4 we have been studying the artist Andy Warhol and created our own pop art of our own self portraits!🎨 What amazing artists we have at Ashwood. 

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