“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


To class FS2/Y1

Meet your teachers

Miss wright

Welcome to Class FS2/ Class 1. My name is Miss Wright and I am really looking forward to meeting you all or getting to know you even more and watch you grow. I cannot wait for our journey to begin!

This will be my second year teaching at Sandhill. You may have seen me in year 1. After school I spend most of my spare time pampering my dog called Tallulah. We love to go running, have long walks through the woods and on the weekends, we like to find new places to explore. I also enjoy going to the gym, playing netball and spending time with my family.

Class Information

You will enter the FS2 classroom via the door at the rear of the Foundation building. Children can say goodbye to their grown-ups outside the classroom and enter the room independently.

We will have PE once a week. For this you will need to wear a white t-shirt, black shorts/ trousers with black trainers. Hair will need to be tied up and any earrings will need to be taken out or arrive to school with plasters covering them. Over the summer please practise getting dressed independently, (including zips and buttons), as we may be asked to change at school into our PE kits.

Make sure you are signed up to Class Dojo and regularly check this as updates will be posted over the Summer holidays. Supporting your child in their development and learning is key to support their growth. Phonics is a key area of learning for children and we ask for parental engagement and support so please read at home at least 3 times per week.

Class News

Y1 Outside Learning

In art, Y1 have been learning about the artist Claude Monet. We know he paints landscapes. We went on a local walk to take pictures

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Shared Learning

Y1 and Y6 are class buddies. They have recently met to share their science learning. They enjoyed discussing their learning and making links.

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Y1 RE Class

In RE we have been thinking about belonging. We have identified the different places and groups that we belong to. We have recognsied that even

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Y1 Maths Class

Y1 have been doing some great place value work in Maths. We have focused on using the language greater than, less than, and equals to.

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