Headteacher Roundup – Sports Edition
As always, we follow The Ashwood way at Rawmarsh Ashwood Primary, taking on new challenges and taking risks. Here are a few highlights of what we have been up to in dance, PE and sporting activities. DanceThis term we join forces with The Royal Opera house for our Y1s and Y3s to work with professional […]
Miss Roper Recommends
Miss Roper recommends… Everybody’s welcome by Patricia Hegarty. Everybody’s Welcome tells the story of a mouse who builds a house, providing a home for other woodland animals with nowhere to live. Sharing this story is a great way to start talking about how important it is to help those in need, whether it be a friend with […]
May Careers Month
Through the month of May we have focussed on careers in Geography. Some of of our classes wrote emails to Paul Williams who has worked on programmes such as The Green Planet. He has even won awards for the documentaries he makes! Paul Williams works in film on nature programmes around the world. He has […]
Y4 Buddy with Y6
Year 4 have been fortunate this week to have had some members of year 6 in our classroom, buddying up with us. Year 6 have helped organise a mini sporting event, in addition to carrying out science experiments around day and night. What a lovely opportunity it has been for us this week to share our learning together […]
Half Term Enrichment Grids
Check out these enrichment grids that your child can use to keep themselves busy during this half term. If your child complete a task on the grid, make sure you take a picture of it and send it to their class teacher to earn Dojo points.
FS1’s Class Snails 🐌
The children in FS1 have been learning how to take care of our class snails. We expanded our vocabulary and learned about the differing parts of a snail. Did you know that snails have tentacles? The children handled the snails with care and learned how to maintain their classroom habitat. We also read a new story called […]
Y6 Residential Update
Year 6 has had another busy day out and about in Scarborough. What has been so lovely to hear throughout this trip is the comments from residents and other holiday makers about how respectful the students are and what wonderful manners they have. 🥰 We are all so very proud of the children! #ashwoodway #respectful
BSL Afterschool Club
Some of the Year 4, 5 and 6’s have been accessing Sign language sessions after school, every Wednesday, since January this year. They have learned so much in a short space of time how to communicate with the hard of hearing/deaf community and have started to raise awareness throughout school. The group have learned to […]
Beareavement Group
Some of our Year 5 and 6 students have been accessing a bereavement group after school. They have shared stories and memories of loved ones and pets. They have been a good support network to each other and have been kind and understanding. The group have done some lovely activities together and learned some new strategies […]
Team Ashwood Sports Day
Team Ashwood had a fantastic Sports Day taking part in lots of different activities alongside the staff from Rotherham Astro. #ashwoodway #resilient