“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Y3 Fabulous Fluency!

Y3 have been busy reading Stig of the Dump. They looked at text marking and thought about how the text should be read from the words the author had written.  Well done everyone!

Y2 Sports Superstars!

Y2 have been busy practising their sporting skills. They also developed their team work skills and took part in obstacle courses and relay races. Well done Y2! 

Maths Special Mention!

In special mention assembly today, we had a focus on Maths and how we have been applying our maths work. Congratulations to these amazing children who are going above and beyond in their maths work! A special shout out to the whole of Year 4, who are making great progress in their multiplication skills in […]

Lunch Time Team Work!

We have been really busy with our lunch time activities in the glorious sunshine. We have been working as a team and having fun with our friends. One of our Ashwood Ways is to be respectful, and we have been working hard on this value. Well done everyone! #WeAreRespectful

Y2 Independent Maths!

Y2 have been working independently on their multiplication and division skills. They have worked really hard and practised lots to make amazing progress. Well done Year 2!  #WeWorkHard

FS2 Writing Superstars!

FS2 have been working on their writing skills! This week, they have been working on their phonics skills in particular, and including clear finger spaces in their sentences. There have been some super sentences written by everyone, and they have been making great progress! The children also came to show Miss Roper their wonderful writing. […]

Y1 Athletics and Phonics!

Y1 are always learning! As a part of their PE lesson, they really enjoyed mixing together athletics and phonics. They also competed in relay races, that included segmenting and blending real and alien words.  Well done Year 1!

Y4 Plant Science!

In Science, Y4 have been looking at classification keys of plants. Within the school grounds they found examples of flowering, mosses, ferns and conifers! They looked at the characteristics of each plant, and discussed why they fall into certain categories. Great work, well done Year 4!  

FS2 First Aid!

FS2 have had a fantastic first week back, made even better with a first aid session! We learnt what to do if we found someone unconscious, how to phone the emergency services and who could help us. Our favourite part was using the bandages on our friends and the teachers. Well done FS2!

Y5 Bikeability Superstars!

Y5 have been working on their cycling skills with Bikeability. They learnt how to stay safe on their bicycle, and how to improve their skills further. It was lovely to see their confidence increase as they practiced.  Well done Year 5!

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