“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

WPT is 10 Showcase!

Last week, some of our incredibly talented students took part in the WPT is 10 Showcase at Magna Science Adventure Centre – an event to commemorate the 10th anniversary since Wickersley Partnership Trust (WPT) was established.  The Showcase was WPT’s biggest collaborative event to date, with over 300 students from across the Trust coming together […]

Special Mentions in Computing!

Last week, our focus in Special Mention Assembly was the subject of Computing. The children have been doing research, multi media presentations, and finding out about technology in the past. Our children also learnt about e-safety through our e-safety charter.  Well done to these Ashwood superstars! #WeAreEquippedToLearn

Charlotte’s Web in Y3!

Y3 have been busy learning about adjectives, nouns, verbs, and adverbs. These have been used in their writing about the class text, Charlotte’s Web. The children have been doing a fantastic job at using their knowledge about the text, as part of their writing journey. We cannot wait to see some of the finished pieces! […]

Y5 Climbing!

Before half term, our Y5s had the wonderful opportunity to use the Trust climbing wall. The children were resilient and they truly believed in themselves. Many of them reached the top of the wall, which is a great achievement. You have all made your school very proud! #WeAreProudOfOurAchievements

Special Mention Assembly!

On Friday 8th November, our special mention assembly focused on celebrating achievements in Religious Education, Philosophy and Ethics. The children this term have been learning a range of things from the parable of The Lost Son in Y1, where the children have completed freeze frames and drama, to comparisons of faiths and Humanism in other […]

Headteacher Roundup – Autumn Term 1

We have started the school year off as always, following The Ashwood Way. These values support our children in guiding them to be the best possible version of themselves, being a good citizen, using manners, and working hard in their learning.  AttendanceAttendance for school for Autumn 1 was 95.1%. Remember every day counts for attendance. The […]

Y5 Korfball!

Y5 have been enjoying learning about the game of Korfball with the Sheffield University Korfball Team. Korfball has similarities to netball, basketball and handball, whereby a team of four female players and four male players try to shoot a ball into a korf (basket). The players of the team are split into two zones, attack […]

Place Value in Y2!

In Maths, children in Y2 have been working on place value to secure their understanding further. Some of the children are working on a programme called First Class at Number, which helps children to develop their understanding of numbers. Staff in school have completed training with Edge Hill University for their First Class at Number […]

Y5 Maths Superstars!

In Year 5, the children have been learning about square numbers. They have been applying their reasoning skills to their learning. Eve and Mylah have received a special Headteacher note home to celebrate their Maths achievement.  Well done! #WeAreProudOfOurAchievements

Y4 Broadacres Trip!

Last week, Year 4 had a fantastic time at Broadacres. Everyone shared a picnic lunch and read stories to the residents. We love the relationship we have with our local care home. Well done Y4! 

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