“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Headteacher Roundup – Christmas Edition

  • Over the last few weeks, our children have taken part in many different parent events. In parent voice, you said that you wanted more parent events planned throughout the year.
  • F1 had Christmas crafts and a Christmas singalong session
  • F2 had a Christmas sing-along and did amazing with their Makaton signing for every song! Parents and children also took part in Christmas crafts.
  • Y1 and Y2 performed their nativity “Stable Story” to 136 parents. Their performance had jazzy tunes and some excellent one-liners from our amazing Y1/Y2 cast!
  • KS2 children performed a beautiful carol concert for 137 parents. The children learnt British sign language for the carol Silent Night and Makaton to On a Starry night and did an amazing job!
  • Families were invited back to school for a festive sing-along and had a hot chocolate. They were all in fine voices!
  • Representatives from each Key stage 2 class sang Christmas Carols to the residents of Broadacres Care home. The residents there really enjoyed the singing and even joined in with some of their favourite songs.
  • Our school council met with other trust council representatives to discuss their ideas.
  • All children enjoyed their Christmas parties and had a visit from Father Christmas himself.


Ashwood keeps fit and healthy!

  • Continuing our strive to keep fit and healthy, each class took part in a Santa Dash where they ran, skipped and jumped around a 200metre obstacle course. Some classes even did the conga around the course!
  • KS1 children had a With me in Mind workshop on understanding worries.
  • The dental nurse visited school to help our children understand how to brush their teeth properly.
  • Y5 and Y6 enjoyed their visit to the climbing wall where they faced their fears and were ever resilient to try to beat their own targets.
  • Ashwood as a reading school
  • Children in each class continue to take on their reading challenges! Keep sending in your photos on the class dojo over Christmas. We would love to hear about any books you receive as gifts and which books you would recommend others to read.
  • This month 98 parents attended our books and biscuits event and 111 children attended our after school Winter book event.


What is coming up in January…..

  • Ashwood all-stars – Parent share event will be organised for the children to be able to share some of their learning with parents in their books. Dates of these events will be posted on class dojo. These will be different dates for each class as the hall will be used so the class can spread out to share their learning.
  • Children perform in their Young voices performance!
  • We have booked whole school author visits from Daniel Henshaw and James Shellik. There will also be an author workshop for KS2.

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Y6 Headteacher Award!

Ashwood would like to give a massive shout out to Sophie, who received a Headteacher Award for her resilience in Maths. Sophie has been working

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