“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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End of Year Headteacher Roundup

The children and staff at Rawmarsh Ashwood have been busy as always. We have had an amazing year. Here are some of our highlights. 

Lunch time zones

Our children said…. They would like a range of different activities at lunch time. 

So we did…… zoning of different areas to keep activities separate and give enough space for the children to take part in activities. Activities range from den making, bean bag chill out zone, large board games such as draughts and connect 4, dance and mindfulness activities.  Our playground leaders and sports leaders help to set up activities to keep our brains and bodies healthy. The children also love to do Zumba and mini disco dances!

We dream big! Careers and aspirations

Our children said… we want to know more about jobs and careers we could do when we are older.

So we did…. work with authors and poets to develop oracy and creative writing skills.  The children have learnt about product placement, product design and recycling as part of their workshops with Muller for our STEM work.  Y6 worked with HSBC on the TEKK challenge which focuses on skills needed for employment such as team work and innovation.  F2 have learnt all about keeping healthy in their fruit tasting workshop with Rawmarsh Children’s centre. They loved trying different fruits! The whole school learnt about careers in construction with an assembly by Tilbury Douglas who are part of a development project in our local community of Parkgate, developing local link roads. Children have even interviewed professional dancers from the Royal Opera House and danced with them as part of our Create and Dance project. 


Sporting achievements

Our children and parents said… we want more sporting opportunities and competitions. 

So we did…. participate in many different sporting events and competitions through School Sports Games. This year Ashwood have earned Gold for the School Games mark! Children have participated in football and hockey tournaments, athletics and cross country, outdoor adventurous activities such as kayaking and sail boating, climbing and gymnastics. The children always show resilience and showcase our Ashwood way. 

School leaders

Our children said…. we want to have a say in how to make school a better place

So we did…. create opportunities and roles for children to be leaders. Playground leaders and our new mental health ambassadors for next year have completed their training and are ready for their roles in September. Science ambassadors and librarians will continue to develop their role in school. Classes will vote for their new school councillors in September. Watch this space for the class elections! We are sure we have got future councillors and prime ministers in the making at Ashwood!



We celebrate whole school attendance. Attendance for this year is 96%. We have celebrated each class and their attendance with individual class rewards. Children who received 100% attendance for each term are rewarded with a 100% attendance certificate and a visit to the 100% club. Children who achieved 100% for the entire school year visited Paint a pot as a special treat. 


Keep dreaming big Ashwood! I cannot wait for next year to see all of our children continue to excel and make progress and what exciting opportunities come our way. 

Love Miss Roper


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