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Bug Club Phonics!

In Year 2 we do daily phonics sessions, we start the session by recapping all previously taught phonemes using flashcards.
We then introduce our phoneme of the day, we say this to the ceiling, the carpet and whisper it in our partner’s ear. Then we play ‘Fastest Finger First’ using our phoneme mats – the children have to find the day’s phoneme as quickly as they can. Once we have identified this we begin to read words that contain the phoneme, working as a class team to segment and blend them.
After this it’s time for some writing, we discuss which letters make up this phoneme and practice writing it in air, then on our magic notepad (our palms) and then on our ‘Talking Partners’ back. Once we have a good understanding of this, the teacher models writing the phoneme on the whiteboard for everyone to see, using handwriting lines and placing the letters in the correct place.
We then have a go at this in our phonics booklets, working hard on our letter formation. The next part of our session is writing words that contain our new phoneme, we use our phoneme fingers and segment these words counting the phonemes we can hear and writing the graphemes that represent them.
To finish our phonics session we listen to a sentence and count the words in this, then we segment each word carefully and write it; remembering our capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
Well done Year 2, fabulous phonics! 

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