“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Head Teacher Round Up Spring Edition 🍃

What a brilliant finish to the spring term!
Phonics 🗣

Children in F2, Y1 and Y2 continue to make great progress in their phonics work in Bug club phonics assessments and phonics screening practices. Keep up the good work! Remember you can help your child with their phonics at home – Go on your Phonics bug club account at home to keep practising blending. There are prizes up for grabs for the children who are reading at home!

Arithmetic ➗

We continue to work on developing basic maths skills for quick mental recall in maths. The children in KS2 are completing TT Rockstar challenges in class and at home looking at the most efficient methods and strategies to help their mathematical thinking. Look out on your class dojo pages for ways to help your child in maths at home.

Design and Technology Challenge 🛠

Year 6 presented their TEKK challenge designs to HSBC bank in Sheffield. Ashwood won the award in the planning category for best team and we even won a trophy!

British Science Week 🧪

The children loved taking part in British Science week where Miss Lapping set each class some special challenges. Each class had their own challenge from making their own wormery to being CSI investigators.  We continue to build the children’s knowledge of scientific enquiry and developing vocabulary in science by speaking like a scientist.

Sporting Achievements 🏆

This term the children have taken part in: –

  • The Don & Dearne Girls Cup for girls’ football
  • Boccia
  • School sports games showcase at The English Institute of sport
  • Y5 and Y6 have loved visiting the climbing wall at Cranworth
  • Skipping festival
What is coming up in the summer term for Ashwood…📅
  • New playground markings on the school yard
  • Thursday 2nd May INSET day – School closed for all pupils
  • Friday 3rd May – class school photos
  • Monday 6th May – May Day Bank Holiday
  • Week beginning 13th May Y6 SATS week
  • Week beginning 20th May Y6 Scarborough residential

Keep dreaming big Ashwood

Miss Roper ✨


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Y6 Headteacher Award!

Ashwood would like to give a massive shout out to Sophie, who received a Headteacher Award for her resilience in Maths. Sophie has been working

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