“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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End of Year Headteacher Roundup!

What an amazing finish to another great year for our Ashwood superstars! Again, we have crammed in so much this term at Ashwood. Here are just a few highlights.

We celebrate whole school attendance. Attendance for this year is 95%. We have celebrated each class and their attendance with individual class rewards. Children who received 100% attendance for each term were rewarded with a 100% attendance certificate and a visit to the 100% club. Children who received 100% for the whole year had a special celebration with Mrs Smith.

Y1 phonics
Our children and staff have been working really hard on their phonics skills to help them to become fluent readers. They have been practising blending accurately and worked so hard in their phonics screening checks! For more ideas on how you can help your child with phonics at home and to find out more about phonics at school, use the following QR code.

Our children said… we are really proud of our phonics learning and want to show it to others to help
us gain more confidence in reading.

So we did… reading buddies with our buddy classes in school. The older children in KS2 really
showed the children in Y1 how proud they are of them.

Our children said… we would like to do more active phonics games.

So we did… Phonics obstacle courses to help segment and blend and phonics trails through school.

Y6 worked really hard on achieving their SATS results. We are really proud of you and wish you all
the best in the next stage of your school journey at Comprehensive school in Y7! Leaver’s assembly
was memorable for the jokes, tears, songs and dances! We hope you will always have a little bit
of that Ashwood spirit.


This year we have achieved Gold in the School Sports Games mark. This is the second year running
we have achieved this. Sports days for each year group have been successful where children learnt new sporting skills and tried to beat their own targets. The children worked well in their teams and showed the Ashwood way.

Our children said… we like the school sports games events but would like to do more dance
So we did… a movement festival at the Rotherham civic theatre!

What is coming up in the Autumn term for Ashwood…

2nd September INSET day – school closed to children
3rd September – first day back for children
23rd October Parent consultations – virtual appointments

New school councillors for classes will be elected by the children in each class.
14th October – Y6 visit to Crucial crew
18th – October individual photographs and sibling photographs

Wishing all of our families a safe and wonderful summer holidays. Make lovely memories together!

Keep dreaming big Ashwood

– Miss Roper


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