“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Reading Challenge in FS2

The theme in FS2 this term is Traditional Tales. To further promote a love of reading, we have introduced a very special reading reward, thanks to Mrs Morrison’s fantastic idea! All teachers in FS2 choose a favourite story book, and display it in the reading area, then these books become extra special library books.

When a child reads three or more times at home each week, they can choose one of the teacher’s special library books to take home. The first week we had just one child, by the second week four children were able to collect a special library book, and by the third week we had many children asking if it was Friday yet, desperately showing off their reading records and how much they have read at home. We think we may need more extra special library books.

Fantastic work, well done everyone!



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Y6 Headteacher Award!

Ashwood would like to give a massive shout out to Sophie, who received a Headteacher Award for her resilience in Maths. Sophie has been working

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