What a brilliant finish to the spring term!
In Special Mention Assembly, we focused on reading achievements. We celebrated children who regularly read at home three times a week, and children who are making great progress in their phonics and reading skills.
Well done everyone. Reading at home makes a massive difference to what the children can achieve.
Children in FS2, Y1, and Y2 continue to make great progress in their phonics work in Bug Club phonics assessments and phonics screening practices. Keep up the good work! Remember, you can help your child with their phonics at home – go on your Bug Cub phonics account at home to keep practising their blending, reading new sounds, and applying these into real and alien words. The more the children practice these skills, the better they will get.
Children in Y3, Y4, and Y5 are working hard on their TT Rockstars challenges. This is really helping to support their understanding of multiplication and division, and improving their mental calculations.
Children in class are given daily maths questions to support their arithmetic and mental maths skills. The children always try to beat their own personal best. We love a bit of personal competition at Ashwood!
Children in KS1 are securing their knowledge of addition and subtraction, and working really hard on recognising patterns of numbers such as 2+8 -10 so 8+2=10 and 12+8 =20 so 18+2 also = 20.
Lunch Time Activities
You said … that you would like further activities on the playground at lunch time to keep you active and healthy.
So we did … playground leader training for planning different activities for the children to take part in over lunch time on the playground.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
You said… that you wanted further support for your children regarding mental health and wellbeing.
So we did … work with our Mental Health Ambassadors have worked on organising Therapy Thursday and talking tables to help support our children with having positive mental health and wellbeing. The children have worked with The With Me In Mind team to develop corridor workshops to get children talking about feelings and strategies they can use to support their wellbeing.
Parents were also invited to talk part in a worry monster workshop with the With me in Mind Early Mental Health practitioners.
Sporting Achievements
Y4 have completed their swimming lessons with school this term. For many of these children they had not been to a swimming pool before. It was lovely to see the progress in confidence the children made over the weeks.
Swimming is a life skill and water safety is a vital skill for our children to develop.
Places for leisure offer a reduced price for swimming for Rothercard holders.
This term children have enjoyed visiting the English Institute of sport to take part in karate, boxing and wheelchair rugby. Children in KS2 have taken part in football and tag rugby as part of the #LetGirlsPlay initiative.
Parent Events
This term we have held the following parent events
- Face to face parent consultations – You said… You wanted a mixture of face to face and online parent consultations appointments through the year. So we… offer an online parent consultation in October. We then invite parents to come and see their child’s learning in their child’s books and discuss progress in learning with their child’s learning which we held in March.
- Y1 Phonics screening parent workshop – You said… You wanted to know more about the phonics screening check and Bug club phonics. So we did… stay and read parent workshop for Y1 parents.
- For world book week we had a whole school stay and play session.
- EYFS parent have been working with staff from Rawmarsh Children’s centre for parent workshops ranging from supporting with behaviour at home and routines.
Next term, we will be organising a parent multiplication check session for the Y4 parents. Look out on class dojo for the date.
A big thank you to parents for their continued support. We will send out a parent Google Form in the summer term to gain more of your ideas and views on how we can support children further, and things you think are working well in school.