
At Rawmarsh Ashwood Primary, we believe that strong relationships and meaningful praise is central to children’s success, and that focussing on the individual and their accomplishments, is just as important as collective responsibility. We have a range of methods we use to reward children’s academic and social achievements.
We use dojo online communication platform to record children’s successes against the Ashwood Way. Children each choose an avatar and points the children earn are added to their class dojo avatar. Children are proud of their dojos and always know how many they have! Each class has a class dojo catalogue of rewards which the children have chosen.( See our class dojo catalogue on this page) Children can save their dojo points for a larger reward or redeem their points for smaller rewards. It is down to each child how they want to spend their dojo points. These are used to inform both individual and class awards.
Class attendance is celebrated weekly in assemblies. Attendance data is shared with all children. The Y6 children are our attendance statistics reporters and share their findings with the whole school on the previous weeks attendance, comparing improvements over time. Children who achieve 100% attendance every term receive a special certificate and attend the 100% club as a reward. Children who are here every day for the entire year receive the coveted Gold attendance award badge and vote for a reward.
Our Pledges are a commitment we make to offering our children a broad range of experiences in Life Skills, Active Citizenship and Cultural understanding. We offer a bronze level of this as a school as what the children are entitled to, and children receive a postcard certificate when they achieve this. Our silver and bronze pledges are driven by particular achievement from individual pupils and are likewise celebrated. Many of these pledges are achieved by a commitment to them outside school. Please see the Ashwood Pledges and Ashwood Extra section of the website for more information.
Special Awards
We use a range of weekly special awards to identify children who have worked particularly hard on an academic aspect over the week and also really promoted one of our Ashwood Way. Each week in assembly we have a school focus. This may be around a certain subject or an area we have been working on and celebrating in school.
We celebrate our students through whole-school assemblies, but we are also a firm believer that our children are sometimes overwhelmed and anxious in these large situations, so a more personalised approach will be offered for some children to ensure their achievements are celebrated but in a way they feel comfortable. Staff also vote for children to receive a “golden ticket” reward throughout the year for children who go above and beyond the Ashwood Way.

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Y5 STEM 3D Pens Workshop
This week, Y5 were given the incredible opportunity to take part in a STEM session, which was delivered by a member of staff from the
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