Head Teacher Round Up Spring Edition 🍃

What a brilliant finish to the spring term! Phonics 🗣 Children in F2, Y1 and Y2 continue to make great progress in their phonics work in Bug club phonics assessments and phonics screening practices. Keep up the good work! Remember you can help your child with their phonics at home – Go on your Phonics […]
Headteacher Round Up Autumn Term 1 2023

Dear Parents and carers, I wanted to say what a lovely start to the Autumn term the children have had so far. Achievements so far Children are showing The Ashwood Way in all of their lessons. This term we introduced STAR sitting. This means:- Sit up straight Track(look at) the speaker Ask/answer like a historian, […]
Headteacher Round Up – Welcome Back!

Ashwood as a reading school 12% of the children completing the summer reading challenge at Rawmarsh library from theRawmarsh community were children who attend Rawmarsh Ashwood. These children read 6 ormore books over the summer, borrowing books from Rawmarsh library. This is brilliant news. Welldone in developing your love of reading! I have dropped into […]
Headteacher Round Up STEM Edition

STEM edition – Science Technology Engineering and Maths Science The children said… they wanted more hands on Science activities planned into our curriculum. So we… planned more practical scientific enquiry investigations for each class throughout the year with the help of our Science ambassadors. Each class has 2 Science Ambassadors who applied for this leadership position […]