Ashwood as a reading school
12% of the children completing the summer reading challenge at Rawmarsh library from the
Rawmarsh community were children who attend Rawmarsh Ashwood. These children read 6 or
more books over the summer, borrowing books from Rawmarsh library. This is brilliant news. Well
done in developing your love of reading!
I have dropped into classes to check how children are progressing using Bug club Phonics. Children in KS1 and EYFS have daily lessons in phonics to support them in developing early reading skills. The children have really impressed the staff and myself in their articulation of phonemes(sounds) and
being able to segment and blend words. Children in foundation stage have started their phonics
lessons from day 1. They have been working on the alphabet song/alphabet arc.
Author Jenny York has visited school to work with KS1 and KS2 children on bringing books to life. She said how amazingly behaved the children were and how engaged they were with their love of reading! This is brilliant to hear.
Developing Oracy
At Rawmarsh Ashwood we want to give our children the best possible start in life. From F1 through to Y6 we have a high focus on oracy skills in order to develop children’s understanding of vocabulary
and develop their confidence in speaking and listening. We teach the children how to eg Speak like a scientist or speak like an artist. We use sentence stem supports to help with this.
School Council – Election Week
Children have decided if they want to put themselves forward to be school council representative. They decided to write a letter or say a speech to their class about what would make them a good
school councillor.
Going Beyond the Curriculum!
Y5 and Y6 children have completed challenges in orienteering. The Y6 children have completed their Bikeability training to develop their road safety awareness and confidence of riding a bicycle.
Lots of our children at Ashwood are developing a creative and musical flair! Congratulations to Eben,
Flynn, Ronica, Alfie P, Edward, Jia Fu, Doris and Anna for being nominated as finalists in the primary category for Wickersley Young Musician of the year!
September is Careers in English Month
The children said…
“I want to be an author when I grow up and create my own books”
“I want to be a teacher and teach about books.”
“I want to be a newspaper journalist”
So we ….
- Have provided further opportunities for the children to visit Rawmarsh library and for the
staff at Rawmarsh library visit us. - Hold exciting author events through the year where authors come and discuss writing
techniques and share their stories.
What is coming up in October...
- Harvest festival with donations this year across all of our Wickersley Partnership Trust schools going to Rawmarsh Foodbank.
October is careers in History month. School will be making further links with Clifton park
museum and Rawmarsh History group to find out more about this.